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Empowerment Devotional

(Day 44:) Rise In It - Level 2

It's Your Mindset:
The practical application of rising in our struggles will be the focus of today's devotional. Before we can discuss behavior, we have to address mindset.


Rise! In 66 days 

Stay obedient and faithful

Last time, we talked about the definition of "rising in it." We talked about the importance of staying obedient and faithful as we go through things that we have no control over. As with most things, though, it is easier said than done. So how do you live it out?

It's Your Mindset

The practical application of rising in our struggles will be the focus of today's devotional. Before we can discuss behavior, we have to address mindset. After all, we cannot force ourselves to do anything that our minds are closed off to doing. Pain has a way of wearing down our attitudes, of beating us into hopelessness until it seems physically impossible to stay positive. We can become so jaded by the trouble all around us that we begin to wonder if it's worth fighting anymore. This is precisely the mindset that keeps us from rising in our situations. The solution? Jesus? 

Don't Get tried Now!

We can then turn this positive energy into productivity. Get involved in a church if you aren't already. Attend or even lead a Bible study. Reach out to a fellow believer and encourage them. Don't let your troubles dictate what kind of life you will lead. We will always have difficulty; even Jesus Himself said so. What truly matters is how we will deal with it. Will we rise in it? Or will we sink? James 1:12 says, "Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him." Friends, let's strive to live like that. 

Click the button below to download the Rise 66 days Log Sheet if you haven't done it yet.

Download Rise 66 Days Log Sheet 


(( Tomorrow We Start - Day 45 "RISE-Above-IT - Level 1" ))

(Day 44:) Rise In  It - Level 2 









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